




Our group name comes from the Hawaiian word “Ohana” which means “family…where nobody gets left behind—or forgotten,” the main theme from the Disney movie, “Lilo and Stitch.” Making the transition from single life to married life can be unexpectedly challenging. But we believe that building the foundation of your marriage and family on Jesus Christ and the Word of God among a strong community of believers makes it stronger and that you can keep growing so that others around you may also come to know God and His love.

Eric & Amanda

Eric & Amanda

Ohana Directors

Hi, we’re Eric and Amanda and we lead Ohana, a married couples ministry at Bridgeway. 

We met each other at a Bridgeway retreat years ago and eventually were married here. We’ve spent the last several years as small group leaders of young couples and are privileged to come alongside folks in our group who are navigating their faith, making the mental shift from singlehood to marriage, working through relationship difficulties, going along the fertility journey, wanting to prioritize God in their families’ lives.
Eric grew up on the East Coast, pursued the dream of being a programmer in Silicon Valley, and found Christ while in college. He works as a software engineer, has founded and exited a startup, and was the tech lead of Abide, an app for Biblical meditation. Amanda grew up in the East Bay, studied psychology at Santa Cruz, and came to deeper faith in Jesus after college. She works as a product marketing director and spent most of her career in startups. We live in the Peninsula with our two young boys.
If you have questions or are thinking about visiting, contact us:

Your toddler is throwing a tantrum again. The house is a mess. And the baby just woke up crying. You can’t even remember the last time you took a shower, much less a date night with your spouse… ‘Dear God, please help me get through this day!’ you pray a silent prayer to yourself.

Fear not, you are not alone in this parenting journey! We are a group of families with young children in the newborn-elementary school age range. Amidst this busy phase of our lives, we seek to GROW our faith (and our children’s!) in Christ while building accountable, prayerful relationships with one another. Our group has regular bible study and fellowship meetings. We are unfazed by bulky strollers, crying babies and attention-seeking toddlers. We welcome you to join us and GROW together in Christ!

Jason & Lingjie

Jason & Lingjie

Grow Directors

Hi! We’re Jason and Lingjie, and we lead the GROW (married with younger children) ministry at Bridgeway. We met at Bridgeway more than 16 years ago, and got to know each other in the Working Adult and Children’s ministries. We got married at Bridgeway, and welcomed 2 new members into our family here as well. Bridgeway has truly been our family’s extended bigger family!

Our kids are currently 7 and 3, so we have just survived the second round of newborn/toddler phase, and are settling into preschool and elementary rhythms. Life changes so much once you have kids, and it can be really hard to keep growing in our relationships with God when there are precious little ones who need our attention. This hectic, sleep-deprived stage of life is hard, and it’s also when we need God and each other the most!

In GROW ministry, our vision is families growing together in faith through studying the bible, fellowship, prayer, joys multiplied and burdens divided. As a community, let’s GROW together in godly living and parenting during this busy but highly-rewarding phase of life!


PURPOSE- We know that our lives can be very challenging as we grow older– at our workplaces and as we raise kids. Yet, we have each other to encourage and spur one another toward Christ and to reach out to others. Ultimately, only Christ’s strength can carry us through.


GROUP KEY VERSE:  Col 3:1 (ISV) Therefore, if you have been raised with the Messiah, keep focusing on the things that are above, where the Messiah is seated at the right hand of God.


TARGET GROUP- Geared for families with middle school age kids and above, older families and singles.  We have men’s and women’s small groups as well as joint events throughout the year.
Scott & Cindy

Scott & Cindy

Focus Directors

Hi!  We’re Scott and Cindy and we currently lead the Focus family group.  Our college/grad school years in Boston were the most pivotal for us in our Christian journey and it was also the time we met each other and also Pastor Chris/Sally (as energetic as ever) as they led our awesome college Bible study. Spurred on from our own experiences that college is such a critical time in developing our faith in Christ, after graduating we had the privilege to serve with them in college ministry for 22 years (10 years in Boston and then 12 years here at Bridgeway leading the Stanford group).  
    Now in our fourth year with the Focus family ministry group, our passion is to minister to families with older kids (our own 3 kids are now in college or older).  We know that times have changed from when we were growing up (we didn’t even have cell phones or email back then–aahhh….the good ole days) and that it can be a real challenge to parent in this day and age with all the tech/social media out there. Through the Focus ministry we hope to be able to share our lives and to really support one another through prayer as it really does take a village to raise kids– especially as they get older!  Besides ministry, some of our favorite pastimes are playing sports (in particular volleyball), enjoying nature–hiking, biking and renovating!