You’re a young adult, working, or in school, or in school looking for work, or just looking for work. Either way, you’re in the real world, where the hottest commodity is time. Somewhere between paying off bills, spending long hours at the desk, and searching for the certain right someone, you feel deep down that there’s still something missing to this thing called life. Come join us in L.I.F.E., where we are Living In Faith Everyday, and start uncovering the true purpose of your life. You’ll find it more than worth your time.
We meet Fridays at 7:30 PM.

Kate & Peter
We are Peter and Kate, Directors of LIFE group. Our group’s name means “Living in Faith Everyday”. After graduating from college, there are many transitions that happen in your life. You are looking for your first job, finding a place to live, deciding whether to live with roommates or not, dealing with insurance and bills, finding that special someone, and all the other “grownup” stuff. We want to be part of your life journey and grow together in our faith by learning how to prioritize God amidst all the changes in your life.
Both Kate and I went through many changes in our lives too after we graduated from college and we grew by being a part of LIFE group. College was where we both became Christians because we felt that God was the only way to a meaningful life. However, it was in LIFE group where we grew and put our faith into action. We learned a lot from our leaders, especially from their examples of serving others, loving others, and putting others before themselves. We became LIFE directors in 2018 after the previous leader had led the group for more than 10 years. Before that, we were serving at our church’s college ministry groups for several years. We love seeing LIFE members grow more and more like Christ as they seek to show God’s love to other people. We feel privileged and honored to be leading this group.
If you are in this tumultuous stage in your life, please join us so that we can navigate this journey together!